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Building Resilience

by Beth on May 11th, 2016

Resilience is the rapidity with which we recover from adversity. Something we’d all like more of, right? So how can you build your resilience? There are many factors that influence resilience, including social support, positive emotions, coping skills, and physical well-being.

Two additional factors are meaning and hope. When you are pursuing meaningful goals that you believe you can achieve, you are more likely to persist despite setbacks or adversity. You keep going because what you are doing matters and you know it can be done if you try hard enough.

So how do you find meaning and hope? Three sources of meaning in life are contributing to something in order to make a positive impact, connecting with others, and growing as a person. Hopeful people share two key characteristics: they believe they are capable of achieving their goals and they understand that there are multiple pathways to any goal.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • When have I made a positive contribution?
  • When have I helped someone?
  • When have I seen myself progressing towards the person I want to be?
  • When have I experienced myself as a capable person?
  • When have I found another way to make progress in the face of a setback?

Your answer to any of these questions can help you see that you are resilient. Your life is meaningful. What you are doing matters. You have hope. You are capable and adaptable in the face of challenges.

Resilience is a skill you can learn and practice. Make sure that your life continues to have meaning by finding opportunities to contribute, connect, and grow. Keep hope alive by reminding yourself of your successes, looking to role models who have achieved similar goals, and always having a Plan B and C.

From → Hope, Meaning

  1. Laura Henry permalink

    Love this entry! I think I will print and keep checking in with these questions regularly.

    This is something that we will introduce in our social skills class to help build that resiliency that students need for growth in all areas.

    Thanks for all you do to strive for the positive!


  2. Jocelyn Hsu permalink

    If you have not already read it, I highly recommend the book “Life Reimagined: The Science, Art, and Opportunity of Midlife” by Barbara Bradley Hagerty. I was thinking of you and your work as I read this inspirational book.

  3. Beth permalink

    Hi Jocelyn, thanks for the recommendation. Sounds like a good book to add to my summer reading list!

  4. Beth permalink

    Hi Laura, thanks for reading! I’m really glad you are teaching your students resilience skills. It’s so important for happiness and success!

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