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To Be Resilient Take Control

by Beth on May 13th, 2020

Resilient individuals use active coping skills to get through difficult times. They identify what they have control over and focus on what they can do about the things within their control.

There are so many things we can’t control these days – the virus, the need for social distancing, our work situation, our children’s school situation. But there are many things we can control, like how we respond and how we spend our time. We can choose to focus on the positive, to be grateful for all that is good. We can choose to focus on the present rather than worry about an uncertain future.

We can also control our daily actions. Here are three things you can do to boost your well-being during these challenging times:

  1. Safety and health – Taking steps to protect yourself and your family is more important than ever. Hand washing, disinfecting, social distancing, and wearing masks can all make a difference. There are also many things you can do to boost your immune system. Getting enough sleep and exercising are important. Healthy eating matters, too. Fiber is especially critical, so eat lots of veggies. A recent study found a link between Vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 deaths, so spend time outside!
  2. Growth – The sense that you are continuing to develop over time is linked to greater well-being. If you are busier than ever trying to figure out how to work from home or home school your children then you are learning new things. But you may have been furloughed or have more free time due to canceled travel and events. In that case, finding ways to grow can give you a sense of accomplishment. There are many things you can do for professional development like taking an online class, reading, seeking advice from a mentor, or building your network. As far as personal growth, the options are endless! It’s been fun to see what people have been doing, including gardening, baking sourdough bread, DIY home projects, meditating, and learning to embroider.
  3. Connection and contribution – Social support is one of the most important factors for resilience. Social distancing does not mean social isolation. Connecting with others at this time is paramount. Many of us are talking to friends and family more than ever. It’s also a good time to reconnect with people you may not have spoken to in a while. Finding ways to help others can have one of the strongest impacts on your well-being. Helping others makes you feel good and distracts you from your own problems. Any small act of kindness will do. You could help your parents figure out how to use Zoom, or comfort someone who is struggling, or share a funny video. Look for ways you can contribute to making someone else’s day a little better.

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