World Happiness Summit
I returned yesterday from the World Happiness Summit in Miami. Three amazing days learning about happiness, mindfulness, and well-being from positive psychologists, spiritual leaders, and hundreds of people who clearly understand that happiness is a choice. I thought I’d share some of the highlights with you in celebration of the International Day of Happiness.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar opened the summit discussing the three things he believes will make you happier. The first is to expand your context. If you broaden your perspective to view life from a bigger context, your problems become smaller. He suggested visiting a planetarium if you have trouble doing this. Second is to commit yourself to a cause. When you are pursuing a purpose, even something like making others happy, small things don’t matter as much. Third is to have compassion for others. If someone is upsetting you, try to see their stress and sadness and wish for them to be happy.
Tal Ben-Shahar and Shawn Achor both talked about the importance of accepting negative emotions. Achor opened up about his struggle with depression and Ben-Shahar reminded us that if we don’t experience negative emotions we are either psychopaths or we are dead. He believes happiness is wholeness, that optimal well-being comes from embracing all that we are. This includes giving yourself permission to be human and experience the full range of emotions. His SPIRE model of “wholebeing” includes five areas of well-being: spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional.
Sonja Lyubomirsky discussed factors that influence the effectiveness of positive activities. It’s important to find activities that fit with your personality and to consider the optimal frequency for practicing the activity. One of her studies revealed that people who counted their blessings once a week got a bigger happiness boost than people who did so daily. Michelle Gielan reminded us of the power of our words. Shifting to solutions-focused stories can motivate people to create positive change.
Let me end with a few of my favorite quotes:
“Stop chasing happiness and it will come to you.” ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
“What we practice grows stronger.” ~ Shauna Shapiro
“If you have an opportunity to be generous, take it.” ~ Maureen Healy
“Don’t believe everything you think.” ~ Deborah Heisz
“Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” ~ Blaine Fowers
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