What’s Your AQ?
A lot has been written about the importance of IQ, your intelligence quotient, and EQ, your emotional quotient, for success. A lesser-known quotient, your AQ, can also have a big impact on performance and happiness. AQ is your adaptability quotient or your ability to adapt to and thrive in an environment of change. Despite the fact that “change is the only constant,” many of us have trouble accepting and dealing with it.
People with a high AQ recognize the need for change and adjust accordingly. This helps them to be more resilient, which boosts both their success and their well-being. When a situation changes, you may need to adapt your plan or possibly even move on to another goal. The sooner you recognize the need for change and take action, the more successful you will be. You will also be happier, because much of our unhappiness comes from wishing something were different than it is. Accepting that things have changed and choosing to move forward can minimize your suffering.
Here are some tips for increasing your AQ:
- try to accept change, rather than fight it, by reminding yourself that change is inevitable
- alter your mindset to view change as making progress, something exciting, or an opportunity to learn
- think about different ways to achieve your goals so that you will be ready to change direction if necessary
- stay open to the possibility that you might need to choose a different goal and that’s OK
- keep your focus on the things that you can control
- make sure you have a strong social network who you can turn to for support
People with a high AQ accept that change is inevitable and recognize that the sooner they adjust to a new reality, the better.
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