Spend Time on What Matters
Are you looking for more positivity in your life? A good place to start is to have a clear sense of what is important to you and make sure your daily actions fit with your personal values. Good time management skills can help.
When we think of time management we typically think of trying to manage our time more efficiently so that we accomplish more by reducing wasted time. Making a to-do-list, prioritizing your tasks, and setting deadlines are all useful tips for managing your time efficiently.
But that’s not what will make a difference in your positivity. Effective time management, that is aligning your time use with your core personal values, is what really matters. You may be very efficient at managing your time, getting a lot done each day, but if what you are accomplishing isn’t what you really care about, you will likely not feel satisfied.
A good check to see if you are spending your time effectively is to look at your calendar. Does it reflect your values? If spending time on yourself to stay fit is important, make sure going to the gym is on your calendar. And if you want to be involved in volunteer work, is that on your calendar? What about nurturing your relationship with your partner? Do you have a date night scheduled?
I think one of the greatest advantages of having a clear idea about what really matters to you is that it makes it easier to say “no” without feeling guilty. As Tom Peters said, “what you decide not to do is probably more important than what you decide to do.” If your calendar is full of things that are keeping you busy, but aren’t aligned with what you truly believe is important, then you will end up feeling frustrated.
Are you devoting your time to what matters the most? Efficient time management is a great skill, but effective time management is essential for experiencing the positivity that comes from living the life you want to live!
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