Respect Others by Showing Appreciation
Expressing appreciation for the people you work with, communicating to them that they are valued members of the organization, helps them feel respected. And not only that, it will help you to retain talent. One of the number one reasons that people leave their job is because they don’t feel appreciated.
So how do you show people you appreciate them? You can start by learning as much as you can about the people you work with. Actively seeking information from them, by asking about their families or hobbies, shows people that you are interested in them. Also, the more you learn about people the more likely it is that you will find something you have in common and discovering similarities strengthens relationships. So try to have a short conversation with a different person each week to get to know everyone better.
Another way to show appreciation is by letting people know that you care about them. Rejoice with them when they are joyful and express your sympathy when they are troubled. If you know someone has been putting in extra effort on an important project, tell them you are aware that it has been a tough couple of weeks and you appreciate all of their hard work.
It is easier to appreciate people when you see them in terms of their strengths. So before you meet with someone, actively think about his or her positive attributes. Then make it a point to highlight one of them at the beginning of your conversation. If you start conversations off on a positive note by expressing appreciation people will feel respected and will be more likely to engage in conversation and to listen to what you have to say. The result will be a more open conversation with more sharing of information.
Do the people you work with know how much you appreciate them? Are you sure? Why not make sure by getting to know them better, by showing that you care, and by directly telling them what you appreciate about them.
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“So before you meet with someone, actively think about his or her positive attributes. Then make it a point to highlight one of them at the beginning of your conversation.”
This is a GREAT advice! I will 100% start to keep it more in mind!
Looking at the picture of your post, I came to think of food as a way of showing appreciation.
I used to do that (in the office), and have a couple of thoughts about it; what’s your opinion on it?
“Why not make sure by getting to know them better, by showing that you care, and by directly telling them what you appreciate about them.”
In many European countries, even if you did that in the right situation (e.g. straight after a display of their skills), an open appraisal of the person’s qualities would not be usual… although I personally find it great!
I believe that in this aspect we (as EU) seriously have to learn a lot from the US business culture.
Hi Francesco, I agree with you that in some cultures directly expressing appreciation is less common, but I do think it means something to people everywhere. And there are definitely cultures where people would rather be told that they were appreciated in private. Food has always been a great motivator for me! The better you know someone the better you will be at choosing the right way to show your appreciation.