Welcoming a Slow Down
Anyone who knows me at all knows I’m a big planner. I make plans for everything as far out as possible and changes of plans can make me uncomfortable. So, as you might imagine, the mass cancelations in response to the coronavirus outbreak are definitely throwing me for a loop!
In an effort to stay positive, I’m welcoming the opportunity to practice adaptability and acceptance. And to slow down! Getting better at these things would certainly improve my well-being. People who more readily adjust to change are happier and more resilient. The same holds true for those who accept that there are things they can’t control and focus instead on what they can do.
I can’t control the fact that we should all practice social distancing in order to stay safe and keep others safe. This means canceling plans, which gives us all an opportunity to do less. How often does that happen? How could you use this gift of time in ways that will boost your well-being?
Yesterday our daughter texted us to say Harvard was taking classes online and everyone had to move out within 5 days. That’s a bit stressful! But I’m grateful for the unexpected time together with her. This will give us all a chance to spend more time with our families. Another way to boost well-being is to spend more time outdoors. I plan to take much longer walks and appreciate all of the signs of spring. I’ve been making a list of the flowers I’m going to plant in our yard. Emily and I are committing to a daily at-home yoga practice. Have you discovered “Yoga with Adriene”? Eating more meals at home will give me the chance to try out new recipes. I’ve recently stopped eating meat, so I’m going to learn how to prepare more plant-based meals. Getting rid of clutter always makes me happy. I still have boxes from the move in our garage, so it will be great to finally have time to finish unpacking.
I can’t tell you how much better I feel just thinking of all the things I’m going to have time to do! I will admit that I am very anxious about the spread of coronavirus and am disappointed that so many things are being canceled. But there is always something good! I am truly grateful for the opportunity to slow down and focus on my well-being.
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Beth, excellent insights and suggestions. I’m experimenting with a broad range of plant-based meals and recipes too and have to say the universe of options is dazzling. Enjoy your family and quality of life.
Yoga with Adriene is one of my favorites!
Thanks, Bob! I agree about the amazing meal options. Stay safe!
Mine, too! And I love her mission to provide free yoga classes to millions of people around the world!